H4Photo takes your privacy very seriously and will never post images from your photoshoot without your express permission.
Any information we have for you is stored in our studio behind double locked doors or on a GDPR complient CRM (customer relationship management) provider.
I hereby assign full copyright of these photographs to the above-mentioned photographer together with the right of reproduction either wholly or in part.
I agree that the Photographer or licensees or assignees can use the above-mentioned photographs either separately or together, either wholly or in part, in any way and in any medium.
The Photographer and licensees or assignees may have unrestricted use of these for whatever purpose, including advertising, with any reasonable retouching or alteration.
I agree that the above mentioned photographs and any reproductions shall be deemed to represent an imaginary person, and further agree that the Photographer or any person authorised by or acting on his or
her behalf may use the above mentioned photographs or any reproductions of them for any advertising purposes or for the purpose of illustrating any wording, and agree that no such wording shall be
considered to be attributed to me personally unless my name is used.
Provided my name is not mentioned in connection with any other statement or wording which may be attributed to me personally, I undertake not to prosecute or to institute proceedings, claims or demands
against either the Photographer or his or her agents in respect of any usage of the above mentioned photographs.
I have read this model release form carefully and fully understand its meanings and implications.
I agree that the Photographer or licensees or assignees can use the above-mentioned photographs either separately or together, either wholly or in part, in any way and in any medium.
The Photographer and licensees or assignees may have unrestricted use of these for whatever purpose, including advertising, with any reasonable retouching or alteration.
I agree that the above mentioned photographs and any reproductions shall be deemed to represent an imaginary person, and further agree that the Photographer or any person authorised by or acting on his or
her behalf may use the above mentioned photographs or any reproductions of them for any advertising purposes or for the purpose of illustrating any wording, and agree that no such wording shall be
considered to be attributed to me personally unless my name is used.
Provided my name is not mentioned in connection with any other statement or wording which may be attributed to me personally, I undertake not to prosecute or to institute proceedings, claims or demands
against either the Photographer or his or her agents in respect of any usage of the above mentioned photographs.
I have read this model release form carefully and fully understand its meanings and implications.
To signify your agreement to these contract terms, enter your details above, then submit the form.
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